Accurate web3 analytics built for

Unlock the full potential of every data point with 0xArc. Seamlessly integrating off-chain, on-chain, and reputation data for a 360° view of user behaviors, sentiments, and actions.

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Effortless setup, precise user profiling

Free and takes
minutes to set up

Start in minutes with our forever free plan. No setup fees, no SQL to get started, no hassle.

Identify real users from farmers & bots

Easily distinguish genuine users from bots and fraud. Gain clarity and confidence.

quality users

Dive deep into user behaviors. Refine targeting, optimize experiences.

All-in-one business
analytics platform

Comprehensive platform for all business needs. From acquisition to retention.

Gain insights from your users

Unlock valuable insights into your users' behaviors, preferences, and interactions with 0xArc. Gain a deeper understanding of your users' data to inform strategic decisions and drive business growth.


Unlock the power of consumer behaviors

Empower your marketing team with the tools they need to understand and engage your audience effectively. With 0xArc's advanced analytics platform, marketers can dive deep into consumer behavior, uncovering valuable insights that drive targeted campaigns, optimize marketing strategies, and boost ROI. From segmenting audiences to tracking campaign performance, 0xArc equips marketers with the data-driven insights they need to stay ahead in today's competitive landscape.

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Product managers

Drive product innovation with data-driven insights

Transform your product development process with data-driven insights from 0xArc. Our analytics platform provides product managers with the tools they need to understand user preferences, identify feature opportunities, and prioritise development efforts. From analysing user feedback to tracking feature adoption, 0xArc enables product managers to make informed decisions that drive innovation, enhance user experiences, and ultimately, maximise product success.

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Strategic decision-making starts here

Empower your leadership team with the insights they need to drive strategic decision-making and business growth. 0xArc's analytics platform delivers actionable insights that enable executives to track key performance metrics, monitor business trends, and identify growth opportunities. Whether it's optimizing operational efficiency, understanding market dynamics, or forecasting future trends, 0xArc equips executives with the data-driven insights necessary to lead with confidence and achieve strategic objectives.

Get started

Getting started with 0xArc

Script tag instantiation

This is the simplest option to get started with 0xArc, all you need to do is add this to the HEAD of your index.html file. The 0xArc SDK will automatically detect wallet connections, referrer data, button clicks, page tracks and transactions that occur on your front-end.

You will now have access to the 0xArc SDK instance via window.arcx anywhere in the app, in case you want to use any specific functionality described in the API section below.

View installation page
Our data

Accurate and comprehensible data

0xArc is designed and built by a team of people who all love to geek out on one particular thing – how accurate, comprehensible data can move us closer to decentralized identity becoming a reality.

Off-chain events processed



Total processed data



Number of assets priced



Transactions ingested



Multi-Chain Support

Seamless integration, limitless possibilities

Experience the power of multi-chain support with 0xArc, enabling seamless integration across diverse blockchain networks, including Ethereum, Polygon, Celo, Arbitrum, Base, Optimism, and Binance Smart Chain, with Avalanche and Fantom coming soon.
We've built our own data infrastructure to support new chains and their unique nuances in-house.

Over 10 organizations have increased user retention with 0xArc

Build better marketing strategies and products with 0xArc.

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