September 17, 2024

Our New Look



At 0xArc, we're always striving to create a better experience for our users. Over time, we realized that our platform wasn’t as visually consistent or easy to update as it could be. Colors felt off, icons didn’t match, and the overall design seemed disconnected. That’s why we’re excited to introduce our new design system, aimed at making 0xArc easier to use, more flexible, and visually cohesive.

This update is more than just a new look. It’s a redesign focused on making 0xArc simpler to use, easier to update, and more consistent. In this blog, we’ll explain why the redesign was necessary, the key changes, and how they’ll improve your experience with 0xArc.

Why the Redesign Was Necessary

We didn’t change the design just for the sake of it. Over time, we noticed that our old design didn’t flow as smoothly as we wanted. It wasn’t only about the look—it was also about making the platform easier to use. Feedback from users helped us see that it was time for a redesign. We focused on three key areas: consistency, flexibility, and making it easier to update.

Disconnected Design

One of the biggest issues we faced was inconsistency across the platform. Colors, border radius, and icons often didn’t align, creating a fragmented experience. For example, you may have noticed that a button on one page looked different from a button on another, making the interface feel less intuitive. These small differences added up over time, which is why we decided to create a new design system that would unify all these elements.

Modular Approach

Beyond fixing inconsistencies, we knew the platform needed to be more adaptable. Previously, each feature felt designed for a single purpose, which limited us when we wanted to add or expand features. We realized we needed a system where components could be reused across different areas of the platform. That’s why we adopted a modular approach. With this new system, we can build features faster, and you’ll see a more consistent design throughout your experience on the platform.

Flexibility and Iteration

But consistency and modularity weren’t enough. We also needed a design system that could grow with the product. The old design made updates difficult, but now, we’ve designed with flexibility in mind. This means we can evolve the platform based on your feedback and the needs of the product. By having a system that allows quicker iteration, we’re better equipped to introduce updates and improvements more regularly, making sure the platform always keeps pace with your needs.

Key Updates of the New Design System

Now that we’ve talked about why we needed the redesign, let’s look at some of the key changes we’ve made. These updates are focused on making the platform easier to use and more visually consistent.


  • Color Palette: One of the first things we changed was the color palette. We’ve created a more unified set of colors that work well together across the platform. This helps create a more consistent look and makes it easier for you to navigate without visual distractions.
  • Typography: We’ve updated the fonts across the platform to improve readability, especially when working with detailed analytics. Whether you’re viewing dashboards, reports, or graphs, the new typography ensures the data is easy to read and understand at a glance. You’ll notice that the fonts are not only more readable but also easier on the eyes, making your experience smoother and less tiring—especially when going through large amounts of data.

Interactive Elements

Here are some of the interactive elements we’ve enhanced to make your experience smoother:

  • Buttons: Buttons are one of the most common elements you use to interact with the platform, so we’ve made sure they’re consistent across all pages, making it easier to perform actions like filtering data, exporting results, and navigating between datasets.
  • Tooltips: Tooltips are a key part of guiding you through the platform. We’ve improved their design to make them more responsive and easier to see. Whether you’re hovering over a data point or learning a new feature, the new tooltips are clear, quick to load, and help you get the information you need without interrupting your workflow.
  • Dropdown Menus: We’ve refined the dropdown menus to make selecting options faster and more intuitive. The new design ensures that menus load quickly and are easy to interact with, making it simpler to filter data or switch between options in a report.
  • Navigation: We’ve streamlined navigation elements like the sidebar and top bar to make them easier to use. These changes should make finding the tools and features you need quicker and more intuitive.

Benefits for Our Users and Team

The new design system isn’t just about a visual refresh—it makes the platform feel much faster and more modern compared to the old dashboard. Here’s how:

  • Consistency: In the old design, elements like buttons, icons, and forms were not always aligned, which could create confusion. Now, everything looks and feels unified across the platform. Whether you’re navigating reports or running queries, the consistent design makes the experience smoother and more intuitive.
  • Speed: Compared to the old dashboard, the new design feels significantly faster. In the past, certain actions like generating reports or moving between different analytics tools could feel slow or clunky. With the new, streamlined design, interactions are more responsive, and you’ll notice that tasks like filtering data or switching views happen much quicker.
  • Modern Feel: The old dashboard, while functional, lacked a cohesive and modern look. The new dashboard not only looks cleaner but also offers a more refined and up-to-date interface. The updated color palette, typography, and simplified icons give the platform a fresh, contemporary feel that makes using the app more enjoyable.
  • Faster Updates: The new modular system also allows us to release updates faster. Unlike the old design, where updates sometimes felt disruptive, the new system integrates changes more smoothly, meaning new features will work better and roll out quicker without interfering with your workflow.


The new design system significantly improves speed and usability over the old dashboard. It’s modern, responsive, and efficient, making your experience with 0xArc smoother and more intuitive.

The new design is live! Join 0xArc today and see the improvements yourself. Let us know what you think!